Date of Last Update: 05/08/2024

This user agreement and other rules found on the Website regulate the terms and conditions of the services provided by CELLBOYSERVICES.COM and the rules for using the Website. By accepting this Agreement when creating a Service Request or a Professional Profile through the Website, or by starting to benefit from the Website, the User is deemed to have committed to complying with this Agreement. CELLBOYSERVICES.COM reserves the right to unilaterally change or amend this Agreement for the continuity of its intermediary services, for technical necessities that may arise in the future, or for compliance with regulations, provided that it does not work against the interests of the Users.


CELLBOYSERVICES.COM receives bookings from customers in need of service through the website and applications and organizes the operations of the staff who will perform the service. The services provided are carried out by CELLBOYSERVICES.COM personnel.


Membership on the Website is free of charge. Members can request multiple services simultaneously using a single member account. The creation and protection of the password are the responsibility of the user. User information and passwords should not be shared and should be carefully guarded. The member is directly responsible for the malicious use of the account by others due to their negligence.

When creating a member account, the information such as name, address, phone number, email, and tax office provided to the Website must be current, accurate, and complete. CELLBOYSERVICES.COM is not obliged to verify the accuracy and currency of such information. The responsibility for any damages suffered by members or third parties due to incorrect or incomplete information lies with the respective member.


The conditions under which the data collected during visits to the website or applications, or the membership and booking creation processes, are stored, along with detailed information, are explained in the PRIVACY POLICY document.


Service Recipients can reschedule a confirmed service request themselves through the CELLBOYSERVICES.COM website or applications at least 48 hours before the reservation time. In case of cancellations, they need to contact CELLBOYSERVICES.COM via email ([email protected]) or phone and notify their cancellation request at least 48 hours in advance.


Service Recipients can place orders using either online payment or cash payment options. When the online payment option is chosen, CELLBOYSERVICES.COM collects the payment via credit card through its contracted online payment company. The relationship between the Service Recipient and the payment institution is independent of CELLBOYSERVICES.COM. Provided that the credit card information is entered correctly and there is sufficient balance, the intermediary company will collect the payment and send a successful transaction message to CELLBOYSERVICES.COM. Once this message is received, the order will be processed. The fulfillment of obligations stipulated by relevant legislation and responsibility lies with the respective payment institution. When the Online Payment System is used, if required by relevant legislation, invoices or other necessary documents for the service are issued by the respective Service Provider. CELLBOYSERVICES.COM is only responsible for issuing invoices to Service Providers for commission fees or communication rights related to the services it provides.

In situations where service fees are paid by Service Recipients using the Online Payment System if requested by CELLBOYSERVICES.COM, refunds can be made or instructions can be given to the designated payment institution. CELLBOYSERVICES.COM reserves the right to instruct the payment institution not to transfer the respective amount in case of inadequate or faulty performance of services, inability to find a suitable Service Provider for the Service Request or cancellation of service.

When the cash payment option is selected, Service Recipients will be contacted for order confirmation. After all confirmations are completed, the service providers will perform the service, and the cash payment will be collected from the Service Recipient at the end of the service.


A Service Recipient has the right to cancel a confirmed reservation up to 48 hours in advance. In case of cancellation, CELLBOYSERVICES.COM will inform the intermediary company for a refund to the payment card used. The refund will be processed by the intermediary company. Refunds are made to the payment card used, and the refund will be completed by the intermediary company within a 10-45 business days.

For orders placed with the cash payment option, payment collection occurs only after the service is completed, and since refund requests are made at least 48 hours before the reservation, there is no need for a refund.


If The Service Provider fails to arrive at the agreed location within an hour of the scheduled service time, does not notify either “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” or The Service Recipients, and does not provide the requested service, a full refund of payments made by the Service Recipients; or offer to reschedule the Service at another time mutually agreed upon between The Service Recipient “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM”.


“CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” will pursue any outstanding payments owed to the company. If it becomes necessary to use a debt collection agency or go to court to secure payment, The Service recipient agrees to pay any fees, court costs, legal expenses, or interest that may result from non-payment of their outstanding bill.


The Service Recipient acknowledges that “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” invests significant resources in recruiting, selecting, and training its Cleaners. Unless “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” gives prior written permission, The Service Recipient must not, directly or indirectly, engage, employ, or contract with any Cleaner to provide domestic services to The Service Recipient or any associate of The Service Recipient for any period during which services are provided by “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” or for a period within 12 months after the conclusion of any Service.

The Service Recipient acknowledges that “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” may suffer loss and damage, including, without limitation, consequential loss, as a result of a breach of this clause by the customer.

The Service Recipient acknowledges that if they employ The Service Provider directly or indirectly within 12 months after the conclusion of the Agreement, they will have to pay “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” the amount of QAR 15,000, and “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” reserves the right to start legal proceedings against the customer.


Service Recipients represents and warrants that:

Service Recipients will ensure a safe working environment at the location specified by Service Recipients for The Service Provider to perform the Service;

The Service Provider will have unrestricted and unimpeded access to the areas of the location specified by Service Recipients that require the Service;

Service Recipients will provide The Service Provider with access to all necessary services and utilities (including hot and cold water, electricity, and waste bins) as required by The Service Provider to provide the Service;

Service Recipients agree to behave politely and to treat The Service Provider with respect.

It will inform “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” before the Service begins of any hazards, slippery surfaces, risks or dangers, ingrained dirt, grease, or grime at the location specified by Service Recipients;

If Service Recipients require The Service Provider to clean behind or under any heavy items (e.g. a fridge, bookshelf, or other furniture), they will move those items before the Service begins; and will secure or remove any fragile, delicate, breakable, or valuable items, including cash, jewelry, works of art, antiques, or items of sentimental value before the Service begins.

Fridges and freezers must be thoroughly defrosted before cleaning can start. Kitchen cupboards must be emptied before cleaning can start. These items will not be covered by the terms if this is not the case. Ovens must be in a condition that will enable thorough cleaning with standard professional chemical products.

“CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” will make every effort to clean electrical appliances, microwave, oven, fridge/freezer, to a high standard. However, if they have not been cleaned since they were purchased, “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” will not be held liable for ingrained dirt that cannot be removed using standard professional chemicals.

Service Recipients agree to inform “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” of any changes to the house/flat alarm code or key changes in advance.

Service Recipients agree to fully instruct/show (including the materials) The Service Provider how to use machines (such as washing machine, dryer, iron, or any other) if service requires.


The Service Provider has the right to conduct a job safety analysis before starting any work in booking to assess the health and safety risks at the location specified by Service Recipients.

The Service Provider has the discretion to not use or to stop using any materials or cleaning equipment provided by Service Recipients if they believe that the use of such materials or cleaning equipment poses a risk to health and safety.

The Service Provider may, either before or during the provision of the Service, choose not to provide or cease providing the Service if carrying out the Service presents a risk to health and safety.


If Service Recipients are not satisfied with the services provided by “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM”, they must inform the company within 48 hours of the service completion. “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” aims to provide 100% customer satisfaction and will work to resolve any issues promptly. Complaints received after 48 hours will not be considered. The company will not be held responsible for work that is not completed, or not completed to a satisfactory level if other individuals are present on the property while cleaners are working.


“CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” is not responsible for:

Not completing or providing the Service as a result of a breach of a warranty by The Service Recipient (including a failure by The Service Recipient to provide a safe working environment or unencumbered access to the Premises);

Not completing or providing the Service as a result of The Service Provider not proceeding for health and safety reasons;

Any loss or damage incurred by The Service Recipient or any third party as a result of the effects of a force majeure, being any event beyond the reasonable control of “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM”;

not completing or providing the Service due to an act or omission of The Service Recipient or any other person at the Premises during the provision of the Service;

Existing dirt, wear, damage, or stains that cannot be completely cleaned or removed;

Any wear or discoloring of fabric or surfaces becoming more visible once dirt has been removed;

All fragile and highly breakable items, cash, jewelry, items of sentimental value, art, and antiques.

The cost of any key replacement or locksmith fees, unless keys were lost by “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” or The Service Provider.

Old stains that cannot be removed using normal cleaning methods.

Accidental damage due to faulty equipment.

Any accidental damage caused by a cleaner working for “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM”, if there is an outstanding amount owed to “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” (excluding payment due for the cleaning visit when the accident happened).


While our service providers will take great care in handling your property, accidents can still happen. “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” is insured with public liability insurance which covers major accidental damages caused by our cleaners.

The customer must inform “CELLBOYSERVICES.COM” of any accidents, breakages, or damage to property caused by a cleaner within 24 hours of the service completion.

Claims reported later than 24 hours after the service will not be considered. If a report of damage is made on a Saturday, it must be reported by Monday 12:00 pm to be accepted as a valid claim.

The customer is responsible for securing or removing fragile and highly breakable items. Excluded items from liability are cash, jewelry, items of sentimental value, art, and antiques.

The company may need access to the location of the claim within 24 hours to assess or correct the problem.


Service Recipients are solely responsible for any administrative, legal, and criminal liabilities that may arise due to their non-compliance with the conditions of this Agreement.

Service Recipients will not contact Service Providers without CELLBOYSERVICES.COM's knowledge, to exclude CELLBOYSERVICES.COM, obtaining a lower price, or avoiding the payment of commission fees, about a Service Request created through the Website.

Service Recipients acknowledge that, to the extent permitted by the legislation, their credit card information may be stored in the payment institution system with which CELLBOYSERVICES.COM has an agreement, and they authorize the sharing of this information with system operators. CELLBOYSERVICES.COM is not responsible for any problems that may arise in the payment institution system.

Service Recipients are responsible for all taxes related to the service, except for taxes based on CELLBOYSERVICES.COM's income.

Name of the company: Cellboy Trading and Services LLC. (CELLBOYSERVICES.COM)
E-mail address: [email protected]